This March I will be exhibiting two original watercolour & blotted line paintings alongside fellow members of the SGFA at the Watts Contemporary Gallery and Artists Village in Compton, Surrey.
Drawing Together - 18 March - 2 May 2022
Free Entry - No booking required
Watts Contemporary Gallery
10.30am - 5pm
Down Lane
Details about the exhibition can be found here.
Spider Crab No.9 - watercolour and ink.
A few thoughts on the inspiration and process can be found here.
Tiger Prawn - watercolour and ink
Tiger Prawn - watercolour and ink
Signed Giclee prints are available to purchase online.
The Artists Village is dedicated to the life and work of artists GF Watts and Mary Watts. As well as the gallery you can visit Limnerslease artists’ home and studio, the chapel & cemetery, visitors centre and cafe. There are lots of workshops, courses and talks at the village and the SGFA exhibition coincides with the Pre-Raphaelite Treasures, Drawing and Watercolours exhibition from the Ashmolean Museum. More details of how to plan your visit can be found here.